Thursday, October 05, 2006

Plane Writing

Yesterday, which was Wednesday, was my last day of schools before my journey to Europe. I got some of my final homework assignments and said good-bye to all my friends. I got picked up by my parents instead of taking the bus because so that I could get home quicker. After packing some last minutes stuff, we went outside to wait for our cab coming to pick my family up at 3:45 PM. When 3:45 came and the taxi hadn’t come yet. My dad said that drivers are usually late. Then 4:00 came and it still wasn’t here. My mom called again and the lady said that the cab was stuck in traffic, but should come in the next five minutes. At 4:10, the taxi finally arrived. After putting all the luggage in the truck, we got in and set off for the airport. We got to the check-in line and was relieved to see that there was no line, period. That made up for all the time that was were waiting for the taxi, so we were on time again. For all our flights this trip, we would be taking Swiss Airlines. We checked in, got to our gate, and boarded the plane. After waiting about twenty minutes in line for the runway, the airplane took off. Our first stop in Germany was Zurich, where we would then be switching planes to go the Geneva, also in Germany. The plane ride was actually a lot better than I had expected. It was at least ten times better than our plane trip to China. For one, it was much shorter, only about six to seven hours. Also, there were video games this flight, which entertained my brother and I for almost the entire trip. I slept for about one hour and when we finally landed, I was so happy that all that time on the plane was already over. When we got to Zurich, it was already Thursday, the fifth of October. The time there is six hours faster than EST (Eastern Standard Time) which I live in, so I had to get used to the jet lag. We then switched planes to go to Geneva. The flight to Geneva was the shortest flight I had ever taken. It was only about half an hour. On that flight, I got my first experience of Swiss Chocolate. It tasted sooooooooo good. It was a million times better than Hershey’s Chocolate. We then picked up our luggage and took the train from the airport to Geneva Main Station. My dad bought tickets for train ride to Basel (on the edge of Switzerland), then to Freiburg (in Germany), where we would finally take a rest from our travels and stay in a hotel for a while. While waiting for the train, I finally got my first experience of people speaking fluent French; not the uneducated French learners in my school (no offense to those people). The train ride was better because there was more leg room, but there weren’t any televisions or entertainment to keep us occupied for the four hour train trip. I mostly slept to make up for the major loss of rest and did a little of the homework that my teachers had assigned while I was away. That’s about my travels to Europe. Read more to find out about all my exciting adventures there.


Anonymous said...

Ha, inconsitant with your font color. look who's talking

Anonymous said...

lucky idiot

Anonymous said...

i love how u used red font!
the longest plane ride i've ever been one was 4 1/2 hours to Disney World and that was in 2nd grae so i didnt have any homewrk to do on the plane !