The second question in the competition!
Bob is obsessed with pencil twirling. Every time he is thinking, he twirls his pencil. The way he twirls it is by spinning the pencil around his thumb. Bob can spin it once, twice in a row, three times in a row, and so on. However, Bob sometimes drops the pencil. It takes Bob 1.5 seconds to spin it once, 3 seconds to spin it twice, 4.5 seconds to spin is thrice, and so on. It takes Bob 6 seconds to pick up the pencil if he drops it.
One day, he is in math class doing a hard math problem. He spins, his pencil twice, drops it, once, drops it, five times, drops it, eight times, drops it, drops it again, twelve times, drops it, writes a large number down (23 seconds), fifty-four times, drops it, once, drops it, fifteen times, drops it, drops it again, drops it again, nine times, drops it, twice, figures out the answer and writes it down (5 seconds), screams "Eureka!" (1.99 seconds), and then drops his pencil. How much time did it take Bob to figure out the math problem. This includes the time he spends twirling his pencil, thinking, screaming, and so on. Basically, include all the actions in that long list above. Give your answer in minutes and seconds. (Note: If I receive any answers with only minutes or only seconds, then it’s minus 2 points, because it must be in minutes and seconds!)
Difficulty level: 3
Source: Original. The idea came to me while I was actually thinking of a good POTW question and twirling my pencil, a real life example.
i think i got the right answer
I quit.
It's easy
but..i'm way to lazy
It's a test of forced calcualtion, not the flexibility of the mind.
so... it is a bad POTW question. POTW questions should be like SAT questions, quick yet requires a little extra brain power.
i didnt get here till now at 6:40 cause i keep thinking its Monday, Feels like a monday 2 me...
Daniel, stop trying to be smart...I said I quit. I'm so damn bored of these things. Seriously. Screw the POTWs.
u couldve said that when i needed help.........too late now
I'm not trying to be smart, i just naturally am.
I'm not trying to be smart, i just naturally am.
u guys are all losers. tony your PTOW are getting boring now. u need more pump for example: Puff the magic dragon had 5 kids cuase he was gay like some people. then he got 5 more kids another day. and so on. how many kids did he have 5 days later?
"I'm not trying to be smart, i just naturally am." -The person who accidentally double posted by hitting the "back" button.
you have no way of know puff the magic dragon is gay!!!
o yea? seongtae's version of puff the magic dragon!
"Puff the magic dragon
who lives on his dick....
(goes on)"
puff is gay
how do you know puff isn't a girl?
wtf....r u that stupid, puff is a male bc puff is a boy name....duh (lol)
right puff is a boy's name
it is now
omg david soohoo is the top commenter...doesnt really surprise me either. has anyone ever noticed that david talks to himself on your blog? i mean, he double posts like crazy, and says "lol" after his own stupid ass joke that nobody thinks is funny.
OMG y are u guys obssessed with puff the magic dragon? isn't that like some old 5 year old show? shessh. and BEN being smart isn't everything. if a murderer meet u in a street then what would u do. bor him with calculus to death?
seongtae would roll over him. and no, ben wouldnt bore him with calculus. he has osteoporosis so therefore he is so aerodynamic he could just fly away at 270 mph. only me and george would understand. and ben.
mike, y do u think ur smart and u think every1 is ur friend here? a lot of ppl hate u cuz ur a racist bastard...and u make up stupid lies all the time, so i doubt any1 ever believes u, and its my brain, and i can say "lol" whenver i want u fucking gay fucker
u know what. i'm start swearing now.
u mean ur gonna START swearing, or ur r sweaTing?
start swearing.
david, where do u see "omg im so smart, im smarter than all of u" in my comments? and get one thing straight. being racist is being not racist. if we can laugh at each other, and accept that we are different and can overcome it, then it means that there is no segregation. that does not account for jews. also, i openly admitted that i suck at math big time in school, so i wouldn't be talking. y do i have to post these huge speeches on this blog? the outcome is inevitable; we both suck and so does pretty much everyone on this blog. i think daniel's a bitch.
i think u copied this off from somewhere and pasted it, then edited it....and wtf...."being racist is being not racist" i mean, wtf?
HEY PPL, LOOK AT THE, awt i think is teh real actual game box, HALO 3 GAME xD ---------------------------->
mike david actully got a 97 on a recent math test that i probably got like a B- on. i know it's amazing. but i think the test was richards or some other smarty.
he just deleted that halo 3 comment...
hi mike
if david got a 97 then richard and tony probably got like a 185%. where would i copy and paste it from? stupid ppl... but being racist means ure being not racist cause then that means we can laugh at each other and not care therefore it will be a near perfect utopia except for jews who will be working underground in nuclear factories and be killed off one by one every week by a clone of adolf hitler that was formed from a dna sample taken from a mustache hair found on his coat in a museum. i just joined an online nazi group. this was my first task. my other is to kill ben in fencing.
who are u ppl?
just posted new halo 3 beta gameplay trailer. no, its not david's. it show the actual gameplay.
but mine shows a new grenade, and that video in urs doesnt look good, y did they have to change them..............they looked better b4 they did that.... >.< and u cant come over to play mike, my family hates u, so yea........every1 else can come i guess, JIMMY, WELCOME!
i dont want to either...
ya, ya, ya, i kno u wanna...but ull probably go to TJ's house anyways...y would u put on a video if u dont care?
wtf r u talking about? ure the only one with an xbox 360 u spoiled cracker. im not going to your house cause your sister will be a whore and start trying to file lawsuit against me. yea, i hope your sister sees this so she can see how much of a bitch she is and your brother to so he'll see how much of a loser he is. david, i no u touch yourself at night with peter's hair and claytons pimples. thats how u got that volcano on your head. im sry to everone who i offended who's not in david's family. but really. their family is just one big bitch hole.
why does everyone care about videogames so much?? whats the point...
david your family is a whore.
I agree with anonymous and linnea. david's blog is all about videogames cause thats pretty much all he's good at. and he's not very good at them either. even i can beat u in halo.
this is the stupidest math problem I've ever seen
it's just straight out arithmatic, adding numbers.
Make a hard problem
something that requires mental innovation, we should have to sit and think, not just pull out a calculator
mike u jackass, u cant beat me in halo, uve never yet and never will u dumbass........and my blog is better than urs, bc mine is active, urs jsut means ur gay, now stop thinking ur better than every1 else u dumbshit
i kno im not better than tony and ppl, but u think ur teh best mike, well ur 1 of teh horrible....u cant beat me at videogames u liar, ur such a bigmouth, and ur blog is horrible........mine is more sophisticated than urs......urs is jsut completely random, and u take ppl's ideas.u stole tony's idea and made a blog jsut like his, and u also stole my THINGS and my ideas sometimes too, so stfu while u can
u stupid ballerina...
i jstu looked at mikes blog, and he stole the exact 1 that i have, u fucking nazi.....and he says that he got it first..well when i looked at it the first time, it was DIFFERENT! he changed it after......(lets drop this topic now.....this is bullshit, i hate talking bout this topic now, drop it mike, and ill drop it)
david mike actully had it before u. he had his since 2 days ago. u got yours like a day after. so u could've copyed him instead.
caleb, shut up.
actually, he changed the date....u can actually do that, i could change mine if i wanna, look, ill change it right now...
there, c, imne says it was posted on the 8th, mike actually posted his on teh 10th, which is when i first did, then he changed it to the 9th....and i am dropping this topic, cuz its just bullshit, mike can lie a lot for all i care....we all kno hes a bigass liar, seongtae, john, george, every1 at our table except jimmy and raymond knos mike lies a lot
jimmy and raymond dont kno cuz theyre new to brown
o, tony, add another "blogs of interest", call it "David S. #2" cuz i made a new blog which keeps all the music i post xD
the URL is:
yo mike no lie im talking to u i dont want to hear u being racist or anti-sematict its TERRIBLE...u hear me man?
u feel me?
ye u
im talking to u man i aint lying
u realize ure talking to ureselves, right? and u have terrible grammar. i would be insulted if u werent a retard. too bad u are. list 5 times i have lied b4, where i actually lied, not some stupid story u made up, and then i might actually believe u.
ur a little shrimp MICHAEL
u just awakened my inner nazi. fuck u all. ill have nothing to do with this blog if this goes on. my questions to defend myself were all ignored, i had my money borrowed and returned almost 4 months later, i had my property stolen, i was harassed countless times by u all, and rumors, lies, everything was dumped upon my head with no evidence to support it. What have i done to u all? i have no idea, and u havent given me an honest clue. im tired of it, really. i will report the principal. i will report to your parents. im not going to hesitate this time. this is no joke.
who r u talking to?
yeah Mike who are you talking to?
im talking to david, seongtae, daniel, ben, george, whoever the fuck anonymous is, and everyone else who has ever been an ass to me. You don't get how annoying u can get. its pissing me off.
yah i have been an ass to u but remember how much of an ass u were to me as well. remember fat, or the story about my brother. -__-
something people at my table would know. most people at the table have been harrassed mike. u harass raymond. so y do u hate being harassed? face it mike. u have hurt other people 2 but now u can change your ways. anyways if u told the princibal everyone would say what u did to them so it doesn't really matter.
seongtae, ure too christian. i was not an ass to u. u deliberately pulled down ure pants in front of me. and raymond really is gay. he has seizures while playing super smash. ask david.
i think u were an ass to seongtae, and jimmy told me raymond has seizures, xD pfft, hes still gay every way! =)
just so you know, i have a new website, it's www.twangsite.notlong.com. u can continue this conversation over there in the comments place which u can access on the home page.
Here's a link: My Website
jesus...ure going crazy with hyperlinks. society gets lazier every day. we can just check our emails... and your website stuff is losing popularity. david is the sage of internet slang. who the hell knows what an emo is? i do. and no, i do not cut myself. well, sometimes. but thats part of jeet kune do training.
who said u cut urself? and i kno wat an emo is mike....and btw, u R an emo, thats a fact, and emo is an over emotional person, sometimes gay, and the best person that fits that description....is BEN!!!!
lol. u guys are hilarious. even though i shouldn't be encouraging this sorta comflict what the heck. fight fight fight ect. ect.
And you know this...how David? You just randomly type in "emo" in the dictionary, and find out it's an overemotional person...and you're an emo, as you told your mom that I posted the video, you pussy.
Tony you should come back to this blog
guess wat... i probably will... it's like the last day of vacation. i'm going to come back to this soon.. sometime... because the website is harder... too much HTML. oooookay... sooooooo... stay tuned!
The website sucks...it's not as flashy as this one. For the last frikin time, I'm not Mr. Fingers.
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