Comments and a "high pi"
Well deal with them.
Posted by
3:48 PM
We all (or most of us) know Clayton Jiang. He's in seventh grade and he is on the math team and has gotten multiple awards for perfect score. He just seems like this smart and nerdy kid who is really good at math and at school. BUT IS IT REALLY LIKE THAT???
I have a lot of evidence that this may not be the true "Clayton," but only what he shows at the surface.
There are many more reasons, but those are the main reasons.
HOWEVER, today, I witnessed something very interesting during lunch. Clayton, the super math genius is trying to buy an ice cream and he hits the numbers "155." But he soon screams out in horror when he finds out that there is no ice cream in 155. The little screw thingy just rotates yet reveals no food! In vain, he argues with the lunch teacher, who doesn't seem to believe him becuase of his guilty-looking face what happened. But we must ask ourselves, how could such a smart person do that??? Please post comments to further extend my hypothesis.
And btw, I'm not posting the new lyrics.
Posted by
4:41 PM
As promised, here are the new lyrics for Melanie and Daniel Zhang. It doesn't rhyme and isn't very good, but I came up in approximately 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 minutes. It can sung to the introduction of "American Pie" by Don McLean. This is also the song that the "pi" song is sung too.
Posted by
4:15 PM
Posted by
3:39 PM
Yeah, so I told most of you that I wouldn't be updating as much since I don't want to spend as must time as I did before, which was actually what got me into trouble. So basically, we were in math class and we were learning about FOIL (first, outer, inner, last). Mr. Rosenthal showed us a math music video about it and now I'm trying to see if we can do it too (for lots of extra credit of course). So bascially, I've been trying to find some good songs and math topics and people who can play instruments and sing and are in my math class. (That was a lot of and's.) Right now, I really need an electric guitar player, so does anyone know one on my team? Another post in a few days... stay tuned.
Posted by
5:10 PM
Hello to all my blog visitors. Welcome back to this site. As most of you know, I had to convert to a website because of... ummm... some issues. So anyway, I'm back now. However, I won't be able to update my blog as much. Before, I used to update daily. Now, I'll probably only update about twice a week. It won't be as interesting, but at least it's better than my old website. Every single person has said that my blog is better than my website. This is one of the main reasons that I have switched back. This blog had a lot more hits than my website, BY FAR! It used to be first on Google! Now, it's like somewhere else. But anyway, I hope to get the visitor number higher now.
For starters, please inform everyone you know about this blog and that I'm going to convert back to it.
Stay tuned for further posts!
Posted by
4:14 PM