Saturday, August 05, 2006

Fantaisie Impromptu

Chopin is a very famous composer. He has written several ballades, nocturnes, etc. One of his most famous pieces is “Fantaisie Impromptu” (a.k.a. “Fantasy Imprompt”). My piano teacher assigned this piece to me. Every time I get a new piece, I always scan the whole piece to get a sense of what the music is like. This way, I know how difficult the piece of music is, where the difficult parts are, where the slow and fast parts are, what the tonality is, etc. Here were my first thoughts when I scanned this piece:

“Woah, the first note is a whole note (four beats); a very dramatic beginning.”
“The left hand isn’t that hard because there is a lot of repeating included.”
“The right hand will need some practice.”
“Oh my gosh, the right hand plays eight notes while the left hand plays six! I’ll never get that right!”
“That’s a long descending chromatic scale.”
“Good, there is a slow part in the middle of this piece. That part will be a cinch.”
“There is a lot of repeating after the slow part.”
“The ending is really hard, I don’t even I understand it.”
“The last two chords are really beautiful.”

Well, it turns out that the most difficult part of this piece was not to put the right hand with the left hand as aforementioned. It took about a week to figure out how to do it. Now, my hands just play it that way naturally. Go figure! So far, I’ve played this piece for about a month. Amazingly, I’ve already played eight out the nine pages in this piece. The first half of the last page looks really difficult to me. It might even take me another month to complete it! So far, I have progressed a lot faster than I thought I would. I hope I will finish the piece soon!

Here is the sheet music of the peice, Fantaisie Impromptu, if you are interested.

You can listen to the piece, Fantaisie Impromptu, by clicking here. To tell you the truth, the musician who plays this isn't much better than me, but it was the best I can find that was free.


Anonymous said...

How long have you been playing? Fantaisie Imprompt is considered a very hard piece. It's a level 9 (level 10 is the highest)!

Anonymous said...

sure, it is really hard. It shouldn't take you more than one month. i played a longer song in three weeks.