Thursday, August 03, 2006

Playing the Piano

I have many different hobbies. One of them is playing the piano. I have been playing the piano for six years. I had originally started playing an instrument for two reasons. The first reason is that a teacher of mine had said that I had a good sense of beat and rhythm. Another reason is that my mother wanted me to learn the notes in music because they would be helpful in the future. I decided to play the piano because it was the most popular instrument played. When I first went to my lessons, I caught on very quickly. I had learned all the basic notes when the other students in my group didn’t. I could master short pieces in a week when others had to use two weeks (unless I didn’t practice very much that week). After a year of playing the keyboard with a group, I was ready to move on. At the start of the new semester, I was introduced to a new piano teacher, Ms. Josaki. I have now played with her for five years. I have progressed a lot from when I first started playing—from Hot Cross Buns to Bach’s Minuet to Chopin’s Fantasie Impromptu. I have even been to a competition and won an Honorable Mention award. Playing the piano is really fun, especially once I get better at it. The only bad part about playing the piano is practicing. Every school day, I practice about one hour. That way, I have enough time to finish homework, work on projects, and many other things. In the summer and on some weekends, I practice for about two hours since there is more time. I hope that someday, I will have progressed so far that I will amaze myself.


Anonymous said...

I play the piano too!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

what, piano only? You slacker