Monday, March 26, 2007

Comments and a "high pi"

Basically, I'm only posting this because I want to start a new comment field. As you see, my last post has about 170 posts (as of now) and I don't think I want it to go any further...

Also, be aware that anything insulting or disturbing or including swears in the comments field cannot be posted. I shall be moderating comments from time to time and deleting the bad ones.

But you MUST look at this picture. Some of you know the "high pi" thing that Ben started after Pi Day. Basically, it's like a high five but you only stick up 3.14 fingers. Well, I found this cartoon on the Internet of two mathematicians doing the "high pi." Take a look:

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Is Clayton Really Smart???

We all (or most of us) know Clayton Jiang. He's in seventh grade and he is on the math team and has gotten multiple awards for perfect score. He just seems like this smart and nerdy kid who is really good at math and at school. BUT IS IT REALLY LIKE THAT???

I have a lot of evidence that this may not be the true "Clayton," but only what he shows at the surface.

  1. He has shown his love life early in the year when he first entered eighth grade math.
  2. He has admitted the Melanie is nice (though I'm not sure which way he meant it).
  3. He gets B's and C's on average in his math class even though he is supposed to be good at math.

There are many more reasons, but those are the main reasons.

HOWEVER, today, I witnessed something very interesting during lunch. Clayton, the super math genius is trying to buy an ice cream and he hits the numbers "155." But he soon screams out in horror when he finds out that there is no ice cream in 155. The little screw thingy just rotates yet reveals no food! In vain, he argues with the lunch teacher, who doesn't seem to believe him becuase of his guilty-looking face what happened. But we must ask ourselves, how could such a smart person do that??? Please post comments to further extend my hypothesis.

And btw, I'm not posting the new lyrics.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

A Song for Melanie and Daniel Zhang

As promised, here are the new lyrics for Melanie and Daniel Zhang. It doesn't rhyme and isn't very good, but I came up in approximately 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 minutes. It can sung to the introduction of "American Pie" by Don McLean. This is also the song that the "pi" song is sung too.

American Love
A long, long time ago
romeo and juliet
fell in love
but nowadays it's not like that
it's melanie and daniel zhang
going out together and getting married
but do they really like eachother?
or is he just pretending to love her
I can't be certain how much she tried
to get him to like her more
but something deep inside them cried
the day they went to Enceladus.

Anyone want to take over and create more lyrics??? Just email them to me at or you can just leave a comment. By the way, Enceladus is a moon of Saturn which is said to be the future honeymoon location for Mr. and Mrs. Zhang. Please leave comments, because I really want feedback for this.

Friday, March 09, 2007

American Pi

This is the BEST song about pi EVER!!! It is based on the tune of American Pie by Don McLean, but the lyrics for the pi song were written by Lawrence Mark Lesser. It is basically about the history of pi and includes up to 12 of its digits. I found it while searching for a song for math class. We (ST$ and I) have decided to use this tune as well and create new lyrics for it about pi. I'm starting this weekend. You HAVE to hear this song. It gets stuck in your head and is soooo catchy. YouTube "american pi" (sorry, I'm too lazy to get a link) and click on the first one. The introduction is, according to Ben, the "loser" part, so don't just exit. Wait about 50 seconds until the cool part of the song starts. You can get the lyrics on the Internet by googling "american pi" and clicking on the first link (again, sorry that there is no link). The first verse for the chorus goes as follows:

Find, find the value of pi
Starts 3 point 1 4 1 5 9
Good 'ol boys all gave it a try
But the decimal never dies (x2)
It's soooooo good, you HAVE TO LISTEN TO IT! Contact Ben, Daniel, or the Wang for more information.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Math Song

Yeah, so I told most of you that I wouldn't be updating as much since I don't want to spend as must time as I did before, which was actually what got me into trouble. So basically, we were in math class and we were learning about FOIL (first, outer, inner, last). Mr. Rosenthal showed us a math music video about it and now I'm trying to see if we can do it too (for lots of extra credit of course). So bascially, I've been trying to find some good songs and math topics and people who can play instruments and sing and are in my math class. (That was a lot of and's.) Right now, I really need an electric guitar player, so does anyone know one on my team? Another post in a few days... stay tuned.

Friday, March 02, 2007

I'm back to my blog!

Hello to all my blog visitors. Welcome back to this site. As most of you know, I had to convert to a website because of... ummm... some issues. So anyway, I'm back now. However, I won't be able to update my blog as much. Before, I used to update daily. Now, I'll probably only update about twice a week. It won't be as interesting, but at least it's better than my old website. Every single person has said that my blog is better than my website. This is one of the main reasons that I have switched back. This blog had a lot more hits than my website, BY FAR! It used to be first on Google! Now, it's like somewhere else. But anyway, I hope to get the visitor number higher now.

For starters, please inform everyone you know about this blog and that I'm going to convert back to it.

Stay tuned for further posts!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


The second question in the competition!

Bob is obsessed with pencil twirling. Every time he is thinking, he twirls his pencil. The way he twirls it is by spinning the pencil around his thumb. Bob can spin it once, twice in a row, three times in a row, and so on. However, Bob sometimes drops the pencil. It takes Bob 1.5 seconds to spin it once, 3 seconds to spin it twice, 4.5 seconds to spin is thrice, and so on. It takes Bob 6 seconds to pick up the pencil if he drops it.
One day, he is in math class doing a hard math problem. He spins, his pencil twice, drops it, once, drops it, five times, drops it, eight times, drops it, drops it again, twelve times, drops it, writes a large number down (23 seconds), fifty-four times, drops it, once, drops it, fifteen times, drops it, drops it again, drops it again, nine times, drops it, twice, figures out the answer and writes it down (5 seconds), screams "Eureka!" (1.99 seconds), and then drops his pencil. How much time did it take Bob to figure out the math problem. This includes the time he spends twirling his pencil, thinking, screaming, and so on. Basically, include all the actions in that long list above. Give your answer in minutes and seconds. (Note: If I receive any answers with only minutes or only seconds, then it’s minus 2 points, because it must be in minutes and seconds!)

Difficulty level: 3

Source: Original. The idea came to me while I was actually thinking of a good POTW question and twirling my pencil, a real life example.

Monday, January 01, 2007

It's 2007!

It's 2007 now, the first day of the year!!! Not much is new though, except that now we have to write the date with "07" at the end of it. I'll have to get used to that. Enjoy the 2007! animated pictures above. I've changed the copyright date to 2006-2007. You can see at the very end of the toolbar.