Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Mathster and the Candy Craving Child

Recently, our class has written a story in class that had to end with "And the moral is, be careful what you wish for." I was really bored today and decided to put this on my blog. It is very long, so again, I used Google Docs and Spreadsheets, which by now has become my favorite Google thing. Here it is: The Mathster and the Candy Craving Child

Hope you like it!


Linnea said...

My brother read this story and said it was corny, but i like it.
Its creative :)

Anonymous said...

"I calculated that in my head. After 0.000086512 seconds"

Human reaction time is actually 0.0006 seconds, so I doubt it's possible for the Mathster to calculate the problem 10 times as fast as human reaction time...-Mike

Anonymous said...

this problems to long. i don't feel like doing it but is it higher then -100? if it is then i'm right. heh. seong-tae.