Friday, November 10, 2006

Problem of the Weeks (POTW)

I'm going to post some problem of the weeks on this blog. Of course, they are math questions. However, I think just math questions are a little tedious, so I'm going to have a competition. Everytime you answer the problem of the week, you get a certain amount of points, depending on how quickly you submit your answer.

The grading criteria is a little complicated. The first person to submit their answer gets 5 points. Second person, 4 points. Third, 3 points. Fourth, 2 points. Fifth, 1 point. Sixth and above, 0 points! this score is then multiplied by the difficulty level, which means that the harder the problem, the more points it's worth. After every five problems, I announce the winner and then I reset the scores. Any wrong answers will deserve a 0 and will not count as a place number.

Please email me your answers. One smart thing to do would be to click on the email post button under the problem and email me the answer in the "Message" box. Please leave a name. (Note: I know that not everyone likes to publicize their name on the Internet, so you can just give a screen name like "Koolfool" or "DDOG123". However, you must be sure to use the same screen everytime, or else your points won't add up.) Two points off for resubmissions!

The difficulty level criteria goes as follows:

5: Very difficult, could take 15-30 minutes for an average eighth grader
4: Difficult, could take 10-15 minutes for an average eighth grader
3. Average, could take 2-10 minutes for an average eighth grader
2. Below average, could take 1 minute for an average eighth grader
1. Extremely easy, could take less than a minute for an average eighth grader

Note: All POTW questions are bold, italic, and highlighted in blue.

Any questions or answers to be given? Email me at


Linnea said...

Greatly thought out rules, lol

Anonymous said...

How do u know Linnea's email?? And for the problem of the week you can just got the MIT website or Columbus State University...-Mike Liu who pwns u all. Tony plz notify me of these things at school and not in my email. I have too much junk in my email.