Miniclip Games
Below is the Twangsite Miniclip Game Room. It's really cool, and I found out how to post it onto my blog. This Game Room will be updated weekly. After a while, this post will be pushed downward on my blog because I will have many new posts that will be above it. I have taken this into consideration and put this on the toolbar to the right of this post. You can also put this onto your blog by clicking here. However, it will appear too big for your blog because the window isn't large enough (there might be an exception as Blogger now allows templates that are stretched). I have solved this problem myself very easily. However, you may have a more difficult time shrinking the image because chances are that you don't know HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). You can email me and I will email you the the revised HTML text and then you can post it onto your blog as well. My email is Anyway, here is the Twangsite Miniclip Game Room:
Hi There,
My name is Kelvin, Watson and I work for I came across your website and I am very impressed, Moreover, I was wondering if you can add our link on your website. We are one the top 10 free gaming website out there. We offer free downloads of games and I guarantee you that visitors on your website will appreciate seeing our link on your website. We thank you, for your consideration.
If you do decide to add our link, please add the following description if you like
Play free games online. Thousands of games to choose from. Racing games, shooting games, flying games, puzzle games, RPG games and many more!
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at
Have a Merry Xmas and a happy new year!!!!!
Kind Regards,
Kelvin Watson
omfg you get to get a guy begging you to post there site??? lucky bstrd....
tony your so lucky. nerd. your blog's pimped out. heh. from white and nerdy
wtf? y is ANY1 interested in adding a link to a blog thats full of math? that makes no sense...if u havnt noticed tony, wat kelvin is doing is called advertisement!
Nice job Tony! You just added a white guy to our all asian blog! (except Linnea, but she doesnt count) You need some money for this though....And when is the next POTW coming out??? (add flashplayer games. Theyre the best in the world.)
wow. congrats
well, your blog isn't really "good" but you are pretty popular, math hw answers are helpful. etc.
if you evaluated content, you would do bad
the only reason your blog gets checked out soooo much is cuz of your math hw answers and now that your gonna stop posting them the blog is probably gonna dieeeeeeee
p.s. mike and david are fuckin fags
How the fuck am i a "beep"??? David is the one who invented the term "fuckass." He's trying to hide his gayness by switching the two syllables so it sounds different, and seems different, but means the same thing. If you switch the syllables, you get assfucked, which means david has been ass fucked before and wants to be assfucked again. I'm not a "beep" because me saying "beep" gets beeped out. Whoever posted before is a "beep" because he can say "beep."
mike shut up!
mike I agree w/ that random guy stfu u sped! no1 likes a person who cant accept disses. OMFG STFU, NO1 LIKES U!
truth hurts, dont it bitch?
you lucky idiot.
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