Saturday, December 16, 2006

Create your Blog!

Blogs are in the house! Ever since I got one, so many people have followed suit and gotten their own. For example, David, Mike, Daniel, Linnea (thought she deleted hers yesterday) and some other people. Act now and create your own blog. Just click on the link in the toolbar at the very top that says "Create Blog." It's totally free and is really easy to update. No HTML is necessary unless you don't get the beta version, which I strongly suggest.

When I first got this blog in August 2006, I did it against my dad's will. My mom was okay about it. My dad said that it would be a waste of time, even thought I have all the time in my life...wait, did that make sense? Anyway, I updated my blog secretly without him knowing. Soon when the school year started, my dad found out that I was still updating my blog, but he didn't really care. Now, which is December, my dad even wants to create his own blog for his job purposes so he and other scientists will know about meetings and stuff. He's getting it sometime around December break.

Of course, there are always those overprotective parents who don't trust their kid and think that they will put private issues on the web (hem, hem... you know who you are). One example is Linnea (sorry Linnea if this is embarrassing you). She had made her blog secretly like me and deleted it because she almost got in trouble. (Note to self: I have to remove that from the links list sometime...)

So, if, after reading this post, you are going to create your own blog, then please be sure that you get your parent's permission, because I'm not taking any blames for forcing any of you to do so.


Anonymous said...

ur amazingly embarassing :)

Tony said...

lol :)

i'm on with u

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i 4get when but recently i decided to make a blog its url is

add it to blogs of intrest tony =D

Tony said...

cool, i like your blog mitch :) i'm adding it to my links list...

Mitch said...

thx but i really havnt done like anything yet

Anonymous said...

your blog is bad...

mine is better

Anonymous said...

tony...i did slurce u, i said u helped me make it...duh

Anonymous said...


Linnea said...

your brothers blog is cool

Linnea said...

tony, you can relink me to your blog :D

Mitch said...

My blog is getting pretty good =D

Anonymous said...

linnea, y did urs disappear anyways?

Anonymous said...

LOL tyler just tried tricking me with sum love thing and now im spamming him :p

Mr. Hands said...

We need a blog rating....Tony's obviously goes first...then....(someone) then (someone) then (someone) then David's

Mitch said...

Tony's, mine, urs, (work 4 it someone!) then davids

Mr. Hands said... rated yours second cause it's your blog...chen should not be talking at all and daniel's really really sucks...and ben is going to make a new one called