Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Which of the following has a greater volume?

1. A cylinder with a radius of 4 and a height of 6
2. A cylinder with a circumference of 25 and a height of 5.

If they have the same volume, say so.
If it is impossible to find out, say so.

Difficulty Level: 1

Source: 100% original

This is the first POTW for the second POTW competition.


Anonymous said...

if u dont get the answer to this than just go die in a hole somewhere

Anonymous said...

awww, i better go die in a hole then

Tyler said...

*cough* *cough* Mitch...If it was me it woulda been my name in blue..wow thats wicked gay mitch pretending to be other ppl

Linnea said...

leave mitch alone, it was me tyler, duh!

Anonymous said...

I'm smarter than you all! Because I know how to pronounce txakolina! (yes that's a word...in Basque)

Mr. Hands said...

pronounce pneumono­ultra­micro­scopic­silico­volcano­coniosis

Tony said...

wtf! tyler! this is a level 1 problem! like everyone who tried got it right!

note: linnea doesn't count because she didn't try

Linnea said...

i did try! what are you talking about tony, i sent the answer in....

Anonymous said...

mike, i dont even think thats a real word....remember i said that i dont think....

Anonymous said...

Linnea is right tyler that wasnt me, she was on like right after me which is why i got 1st she 2nd in scores

Linnea said...

i got the POTW right, im so proud of myself!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

mike, anyone can pronounce that. You also spelled it wrong; it's pneumoltramicroscopisilicavolanosis.
(i spelled that from memory!)

Mr. Hands said...

who are you people??? damn it write your fckin names down! and david is too stupid to know its a real word. and I spelled it correctly. go check.

Anonymous said...

mike, tony doest even kno if its a word....

caleb said...

david is too stupid do perform any function at all in life

"wow thats wicked gay mitch"


tyler, you are a loser, saying gay is like saying nigger or retard or any other offensive thing you've heard. Gay is not an insult, it just means homosexual, sayng it in that context is tactless and stupid, and you should be ashamed of yourself

*david soohoo wastes his life playing video games