Monday, December 11, 2006

Guide to Getting Good Grades

Setting "Preliminary Deadlines" is the key to stress-free, timely, and high-quality assignments.

A. Papers-- Set a preliminary due date for all papers 4 DAYS before they are due, and enter this in your assignment notebook. Once you have finished the first copy of your paper, bring it to your English teacher and ask is he or she has any comments to help you improve your writing. Even if you have good English grades, this is the real way to improve your writing skills.

B. Projects/Posters-- Depending upon the project, aim to have it done almost a week in advance. Write this prelininary deadline in your assignment notebook. This way, you'll have time to relax and be able to correct small errors and for posters, you have more time to make things look more appealing to the eye by changing colors and deciding on placement of text and images.

C. Quizzes-- Study for 2 DAYS (not one day) before a quiz. Enter "Study for quiz" for two days in a row into your assignment notebook. That way, you won't be rushed to do it all in one night.

D. Tests-- Study for 4 DAYS leading up to a test. Enter this for four days in a row into your assignment notebook. Tests require more and longer study time because their grades count more to your overall grade than quizzes do.

E. Mid-Term Tests-- Study for 1 WEEK leading up to a mid-term test. It is easier to study for a little bit every day because your brain memorizes things easily that way. Enter this into your assignment notebook for one week straight.

F. Finals-- Study for 2 WEEKS leading up to a final. You should study just a bit every night. That way, there is not as much stress and you have time to ask teachers or other students questions. Enter this into your assignment notebook for two weeks straight.


Anonymous said...

is this what you do tony?? Do you even study for math at all?
besides that, great tips :D

Anonymous said...

1st post yay! lol tony u really do all this? cause im getting straight A's (no A-'s =D) and i havnt studied for anything yet besides right b4 class. Not even 4 math!

Anonymous said...

I agree. It is just a peice of Crap. i never do anything you suggest and i do fine. This is just some stupid thing you came up with to seem smart and superior. Yes, i have read stuff about psycology. Guidelines don't do anything except make you stressed if you dont' follow it.

Tony said...

If you guys just noticed, I DIDN'T WRITE THIS!!!! I JUST PUT IT ON TO SHOW YOU... OR FOR FUN...:)

And daniel (the anonymous, cuz i know only daniel would say something stupid like that): you said "Guidelines don't do anything except make you stressed if you dont' follow it." Yes, so that means that you should follow it, duh! and if you didn't you'd be stressed, so you'd follow it!

Anonymous said...

you don't get it. if you have a guideline, and you realize that you are off scedual, you are very suprised and stressed. "oh my god, i'm off the guideline. i should have done this yesterday. I'm dead. i planned everything around it but.... Etc." This is what happens.

Anonymous said...

hi mitch....u dont study? O.o

Anonymous said...

nvr hav this year and HI!
first 2 math tests were 108 than 103 and more recently 75 (EGHH! TERRIBLE! im not good at exponents, my weakest thing in math)
and 100's on the first 2 scienst tests (on second i would hav done extra credit but i lost my paper :) )

Anonymous said...

mitch your so smart. but i'm gonna follow tonys advice. but tony. i study enough but u should say HOW to study. not how much u should study. for example: study your vocab, etc.

Tony said...

daniel, stop being anonymous

Mr. Hands said...

Tony stalks daniel.