Tuesday, December 19, 2006

My Half Birthday

Today is my half birthday! I just realized during first blog when I was writing the date down on the homework. That's great because that means that in exactly half a year, I'm going to be fourteen! A lot of great things happened today too, so I guess I had a happy half birthday!

In case you haven't figured out yet, my birthday is on June 19.


Anonymous said...

good for you

Anonymous said...

half birthday is......just shit, lol

Anonymous said...

lol i agree w. david and in 11 days im gonna be 14!!!

12/31/06!!! NEW YEARS EVE!!!

Anonymous said...

thats such a coincidence...b-day on near years eve, -.-

Anonymous said...

tony look in your email T_T

Anonymous said...

u mean first block not blog....

lol...good one tony

Mr. Hands said...

I think that David's a faggot. What are you guys getting for Christmas? (which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, David in case you didn't know) Dam you white people who get everything!

Anonymous said...

boo hoo mike, i got Gears of War for chirstmas, got teh movie FF7: Advent Children, and my bro got....Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkachi 2.....-.-....i dont get him.....but i alrdy christmas was the birth of jesus, and btw, i dc for jesus, hes just a fucking moron, i watched Da Vinci Code, lol, hes a hoax...which is wat they say, and which is wat i will like to believe now xD

Anonymous said...

btw tony....how the fuck do u have a 190% in math...thats not even possible

Anonymous said...

put a new post already!!

Anonymous said...

Ha, i'm about as smart as you and i'm younger. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Mr. Hands said...

OMG!! How can you say that David? You fucking Jew-nigger! Oh yea, I just remembered that i got a laptop and a cell phone for christmas, as well as 50 bucks...so...yea....and also call of duty 3 for ps2...yay...