Thursday, December 28, 2006

What I did on Christmas Eve

Click on the image for an enlarged view.

On Christmas Eve, I went to my dad's friend's house for the whole night. Brian, a friend of mine, and I were on the computer the whole night because there wasn't much else to do. I played Runescape for a while and I took this screen shot and saved it to my computer. It's basically me killing a goblin and I have a whole load of rubbish I picked up and I now that I look at it carefully, there's someone just standing there right next to the goblin that I'm killing. That's pretty much it.
Note: Click on the image for an enlarged view.


Anonymous said...

thx 4 sharing...

Unknown said...

You play Runescape? Ouch. No offense, but that game is really pretty bad.

Anonymous said...

what a bummer.

Linnea said...

isnt runescape for little kids?

Tony said...

YOU GUYS! DON'T FORGET THAT I WAS BORED!!! WHAT ELSE DO YOU DO WHEN YOU ARE BORED!!! YOU DO WIERD THINGS!!! and linnea, not really, more for teens, but there are always those 40-year-old people who play too, lol. and plus, i'm now obsessed with screen shots ever since i learned them and Runescape is good for it :)

Mr. Hands said...

Runescape sucks...and you suck at it too...that's pretty sad actually. Did you play with Clayton and Clarence? Damn that's funny. Updated my blog just now. Yay. When I'm bored I drink beer and smoke pot. Lol

Mr. Hands said...

I hate negroes.

Mr. Hands said...

I hate Jews.

Linnea said...

i didn't mean that it was for five year olds, i meant for kids like 10 and 11...

Linnea said...

why do you hate jews??? im jewish...

Mr. Hands said...

Exactly. I wouldn't hate Jews if it wasn't for you and Jonathan.

Tyler said...

ye mike why do you hate jews im jewish too

Anonymous said...

im christian =D
go episcopalians!

Mr. Hands said...

I just hate Jews. Period. It's not your fault Tyler, it's Jonathan's.

Linnea said...

jews are cool though

Linnea said...

except tyler

Mr. Hands said...

How are Jews cool? You killed Jesus!

caleb said...

jews didn't kill jesus

but we are money mongering people who beleive we are better than everyone esle: "the chosen people." We, in our way, control the media, entertainment industry, and econmy. We stole Isreal form the palestinians. We fucking cut off our own foreskin. What's not to hate?

Linnea said...

i agreee with caleb... whats not to like about jews

Anonymous said...

how bout, every ethnicity hates mike liu? xD and tony, runescape is dont get obsessed with it

Anonymous said...

and wat IS wrong with jews....nothing wrong, theyre just ppl...

Mr. Hands said...

David, you wouldn't understand. Jews killed my father. Lol.

Unknown said...

Jews pwn the world. Except Jesus. Jesus sucks.

Anonymous said...

u mean Jews own the world??