Term 1 Math Grade Drops Dramatically
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! My term one grade for math dropped dramatically all because of that last test that we had that was worth 150 points! I got a 91 on that quiz! That dropped my grade down 8%, so I now have a 106%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least I still did a lot of extra credit. I got 22 points worth of it. Without it, I would have exactly 100%. So either way, I would have gotten an A+.
Just so you know, you have to get 100 or above to get an A+ in Mr. Rosenthal's class. 97, 98, or 99 are still A's. Richard got all mad at that because he got a 97% for his average and he got an A, so now he's really upset. Just telling you so you won't land in the same situation as him....
(Note: some of the o's in the Nooooo were deleted due to problems with wrapping text. Please note that there should be about four times more o's)
i know richard kept annoying me about it and for the past 2 math classes all he did was sing the pokemon theme song! it was so annoying and i couldnt focus on my hw
like anyone will get near a 90 or an 80 second term besides tony and richard, and maybe mitch
poor tony he gets an A+, how sad, his grade is 106!!
ya i only got an 91 this term cause i didnt study for anything, but i prob iwll study next term a little more
tony....u show off
tony y did u post it on friday when you knew your new grade over 2 weeks ago...anyways y r u so mad if u still have a 106..i cant imagine ur mad
i would go crazy if i had that grade...lol
lol, ya, that's you, but I should've gotten higher if you think about the fact that there is so much extra credit
and david...
just because you have an F in math doesn't mean u have to call me a show off :)
lolm A power! rite tony?
hi mitch, i'm on with you!!!
hey lol
lol, it took you a long time to answer
ya i got off for a while to shoot some hockey pucks
hockey pucks?????? wat in the world r u doing????? playing hockey??? if u are, how does that take u 10 minutes to finish?
1. Hockey is awesome
2. i played for about 25 mins
3. i played in my driveway, shooting pucks off plastic fake ice into a little net i got when i was 5
Tony, you do show off a little to much. if you want proof, take a look at this title, and a look at the first line of this post. A little modesty isn't going to harm you. You won't be struck down by lightning. You deserve to show off a little b/c you got a high grade but still... moderation is important.
shoooooooooow oooooooooooff
thx 4 just realizing...took u a while
WTF Tony!!!!!!!!!! I got a 99. I got a 95 of the last test and 101 beforehand. I didn't do as much e.c as u. And actually without your extra credit it would still be below a 100 u need to be perfect, Mr. Rosenthal doesn't round.
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